Anteater Finance

December Posts


Home Landscaping

When I bought my house in 2020, I kept on the existing landscaping company. They trimmed the trees, raked the pine needles, and generally kept up the front and back yard on a two-week interval. Generally there was 2 full bins of green compostable materials generated per week (to give you an idea of what the yard waste looked like).

After a couple of years of this, I decided to start taking it into my own hands since I had a little more free time. My thought was I could spend 1 hour each weekend, alternating between the front and back yards. In order to do that, I needed to purchase a few items

Greenworks 40V 16" Cordless Electric Lawn Mower, 4.0Ah Battery and Charger Included

This little guy works really well and it is very lightweight!

Greenworks 40V (150 MPH / 135 CFM) Cordless Blower

I use the same battery as the lawn mower.

There were a handful of miscellaneous items I already had, such as a shovel, broom, trowel, space, and a set of loppers.

How did it turn out financially?

I ended up spending 32.37 on the leaf blower, and 267.88 on the lawn mower and battery. It came out to a total of 300.25.

Previously, I was paying 120 every month for service, coming out to 1440 a year. The overall result over the last few months is that I've been happier spending the time doing the landscaping myself, trimming, raking, and removing the weeds.

Do I miss having landscaping service? A little bit; it was very convenient and I was able to make payments via Venmo which was efficient. But I'm much happier to have acquired these tools myself, and it's a significant savings!

Plus, now I have plenty of time to root around the yard finding and eating yummy ants!

Hope you enjoyed the post and happy finances!
